
> I'm still developping a new private target backend (gcc4.5.2) and I noticed
> something strange in the assembler generated for conditionnal jump.
> The compiled C code source is :
> void funct (int c) {
>     int a;
>     a = 7;
>     if (c < 0)
>       a = 4;
>     return a;
> }
> The assembler generated is :
> [...]
>   mov 7,a
>   cmp 0,c  #set the CC status
>   jmpif LT .L2 #conditionnal jump using CC status
> .L1
>   ret a #return to callee
> .L2
>   mov 4,a
>   jmp .L1 #unconditionnal jump

this could actually be intentional.  gcc tries to lay out the
code so that forward conditional jumps are usually not taken,
and it has a heuristic that numbers are usually non-negative.
I am just guessing, though, there is really no way to tell what
is happening without debugging the issue.  To check whether
this theory could be true, you can try changing the condition
to "if (c > 0)", in which case the code should be generated
the way you prefer,


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