On 04/12/2012 10:46 AM, Robert Dewar wrote:
> On 4/12/2012 4:55 AM, Fabien Chêne wrote:
>> I've got a radically different experience here, real bugs were
>> introduced while trying to remove this warning, and as far as I can
>> tell, I've never found any bugs involving precedence of&&  and || --
>> in the code I'm working on --, whose precedence is really well known
>> from everyone.
> You simply can't make a claim on behalf of everyone like this, and it's
> very easy to prove you wrong, i personally know many competent 
> programmers who do NOT know this rule.

I realize that I am in danger of using the No True Scotsman argument,
but I think I'd have to question the "competent" assertion.  It's
rather like saying you know many competent carpenters who don't know
how to use a biscuit joiner: while they may be decent carpenters,
you'd have to ask how much carpentry they'd actually done.

I would also suggest that a competent programmer would know what they
don't know; when reading code they'd look it up, when writing code
they'd insert parentheses for clarity.



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