On 11/06/2012 09:45, Chris Jones wrote:
Is it possible to modify the source code of gcc to enable to compilation
of a completely new programming language, as yet unrecognized? How much
of a big job would I be looking at for such a task?

I would think that would depend entirely on the language you want to implement. If your language has similar principles to existing gcc languages, then most of the middle-end and back-end could be left untouched. But if it has major differences, you might need to change gcc in all sorts of difficult places.

I guess the best guide here would be to look at the integration of Go into gcc - I believe it is the most recent addition to gcc.

You could also consider a stepping stone of making a translator between your new language and C (or C++, D, Go, etc.), then using gcc to compile the C code. It is not going to be optimal, but it could be useful in developing your language, testing the concepts, developing the libraries, etc. And it will also help answer your question - if you can make a reasonably efficient translator to C (using any gcc extensions as needed), then you can expect a reasonably straightforward job in writing a gcc front-end to the language. But if you find concepts that are particularly alien to C, then you are going to have a bigger job writing a gcc front-end.

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