Hi all,

what I basically want to do is a kind of "MMIX", an abstract machine that amongst other uses could be amenable to hardware compilation. This specific use is not of interest to neither this list nor GCC developers in general. There are many other uses for such a "representation" such as:
- static analysis
- dynamic analysis, profiling
- low-level optimization, supercompilation
- decompilation
- software target if mapped to programmable hardware (think of ASIP: Application-Specific Instruction-set Processor).

Second, I'm really not amenable to preaching, just amenable to interpreting rules, restrictions, permissions and facts.

The discussion around licensing is really not relevant. It is not, due to the fact that I will make public, GPL-v3'ed and "contributable" all the required infrastructure for running programs on my "MMIX".

Judging by previous practice, I don't see any issues arising.

However, I would like to focus on the more technical side, and not continue the discussion on the legalese.

Best regards,
Nikolaos Kavvadias

On 11/7/2012 11:08 AM, Richard Kenner wrote:
Correct.  A court of competent jurisdiction can decide whether your scheme
conforms to the relevant licenses; neither licens...@fsf.org nor the
people on this list can.

A minor correction: licens...@fsf.org *could* determine that since they are
the copyright holders.  If they say it's OK, that would be permitting such
a scheme.  However, the FSF, as a matter of policy, *does not* respond to
queries about whether or not some scheme violates the GPL.

And why should they? Or why would they?

I believe in free software as a contribution to a better society and
believe in the use of licenses such as GPLv3 to promote software sharing
by providing a software commons that can be used by those who will
contribute their changes to that commons, and do not consider this list -
or any GNU Project list - an appropriate place to seek advice about how to
do things going against the spirit of that commons.

I very much agree!

Me too!

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