On 04/03/2013 05:53 PM, Joern Rennecke wrote:
Quoting David Fang <f...@csl.cornell.edu>:

Apart from parallelism, I wished the stage 2,3 compilations had a hook
for ccache-ing

Even better would be distcc, i.e. distribute the new compilers
around a cluster so you don't need to have all your cores and DIMMS
on the same motherboard to harness hugely massive parallelization.
Using distcc and ccache is trivial; I spread my builds across ~20 processors around the house...

CXX=distcc g++

You can't use pump mode though, so we're probably leaving something on the table.

Using distcc & ccache will certainly expose things like the lack of parallel multilib builds, configury slowness, critical path uber-slow insn-* builds and the like.


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