On Fri, Apr 12, 2013 at 7:42 PM, Bill Schmidt
<wschm...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 11:18 -0500, Bill Schmidt wrote:
>> On Fri, 2013-04-12 at 15:51 +0100, Sofiane Naci wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Consider the following sequence, which computes 2 addresses to access an
>> > array:
>> >
>> >   _2 = (long unsigned int) i_1(D);
>> >   _3 = _2 * 200;
>> >   _4 = _3 + 1000;
>> >   _6 = A2_5(D) + _4;
>> >   *_6[0] = 1;
>> >   _9 = _3 + 2000;
>> >   _10 = A2_5(D) + _9;
>> >   _11 = _2 * 4;
>> >   _13 = A1_12(D) + _11;
>> >   _14 = *_13;
>> >   *_10[0] = _14;
>> >
>> >
>> > There is an opportunity for optimization here that the compiler misses,
>> > probably due to the order of Gimple statements. If we rewrite
>> >
>> >   _3 = _2 * 200;
>> >   _4 = _3 + 1000;
>> >   _6 = A2_5(D) + _4;
>> >   ...
>> >   _9 = _3 + 2000;
>> >   _10 = A2_5(D) + _9;
>> >
>> > as
>> >
>> >   _3 = _2 * 200;
>> >   _4 = _3 + A2_5(D);
>> >   _6 = 1000 + _4;
>> >   ...
>> >   _9 = _3 + A2_5(D);
>> >   _10 = 1000 + _9;
>> >
>> > We can clearly omit instruction _9.
>> >
>> > As the widening multiply pass has been improved to consider constant
>> > operands [1], this opportunity for optimization is lost as the widening
>> > multiply pass converts the sequence into:
>> >
>> >   _3 = i_1(D) w* 200;
>> >   _4 = WIDEN_MULT_PLUS_EXPR <i_1(D), 200, 1000>;
>> >   _6 = A2_5(D) + _4;
>> >   ...
>> >   _9 = WIDEN_MULT_PLUS_EXPR <i_1(D), 200, 2000>;
>> >   _10 = A2_5(D) + _9;
>> >
>> >
>> > With this particular example, this causes a Dhrystone regression at the
>> > AArch64 back end.
>> >
>> > Where in the front end could such an optimization take place?
>> >
>> > Bill, is this something that your Strength Reduction work [2] could be
>> > addressing?
>> Hm, no, this isn't really a strength reduction issue.  You're not
>> wanting to remove an unwanted multiply.  This is more of a
>> reassociation/value numbering concern.  Essentially you have:
>>   = A2 + ((i * 200) + 1000)
>>   = A2 + ((i * 200) + 2000)
>> which you'd like to reassociate into
>>   = (A2 + (i * 200)) + 1000
>>   = (A2 + (i * 200)) + 2000
>> so the parenthesized expression can be seen as available by value
>> numbering:
>>   T = A2 + (i * 200)
>>     = T + 1000
>>     = T + 2000
>> But reassociation just looks at a single expression tree and doesn't
>> know about the potential optimization.  I'm not sure this fits well into
>> any of the existing passes, but others will have more authoritative
>> answers than me...
> All this said, it's not completely foreign to how the strength reduction
> pass is structured.  The problem is that strength reduction looks for
> candidates of very restricted patterns, which keeps compile time down
> and avoids deep searching:  (a * x) + b or a * (x + b).  Your particular
> case adds only one more addend, but the number of ways that can be
> reassociated immediately adds a fair amount of complexity.  If your
> example is extended to a two-dimensional array case, it becomes more
> complex still.  So the methods used by strength reduction don't scale
> well to these more general problems.
> I imagine the existing canonical form for address calculations is good
> for some things, but not for others.  Hopefully someone with more
> history in that area can suggest something.

Nothing.  All canonicalizations will have cases where they lose.
It's a know thing.

Solutions welcome ;)


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