Dear All

It is my pleasure to annnounce the MELT plugin 0.9.9 rc3 release candidate 3 
(for GCC 4.6, 4.7, 4.8).

This is a significant release of the MELT plugin (and the last able to work as 
plugin to GCC 4.6)

References &

You can download the gnuzipped source tarball from
a gzipped source tarball of 5717948 bytes of md5sum 
extracted from MELT branch svn rev. 200015 on june 12th 2012. 

Many bug fixes (and internal improvements) from 0.9.9 rc2.

0.9.9 rc3 is probably the last release candidate and very close to 0.9.9 

So please test it and report bugs quickly

NEWS for 0.9.9 MELT plugin for GCC 4.6 & 4.7 & 4.8
[[june, XX, 2013]]

This is a significant release. A lot of new features are
appearing. Much more ability to mix arbitrary C/C++ & MELT code in any
way and both directions!

This is the last MELT release supporting GCC 4.6 and GCC compilers in
C only. Future MELT releases with will be C++ only (i.e. emit C++
code), for GCC 4.7 & 4.8

   Language improvements

   * Code chunks can contain void side-effecting expressions of :VOID
     ctype, translated to some C/C++ block. Hence code chunks can even
     be indirectly nested. Within the macro-string, write $(...) for
     the expression. You may want to make it a PROGN ending with
     (VOID) to force it to be void.  Sub-expressions -of :VOID ctype-
     inside code chunks are evaluated at the place of appearance, and
     are expanded to C/C++ blocks at their occurrence.

   * Expression chunks are expanded into C/C++ expressions. Syntax is

        (EXPR_CHUNK <state-symbol> <ctype> <macro-string> ...)

   For instance, to get the pid of the cc1 running your MELT extension, use
      (expr_chunk getpid_chk :long #{/*$GETPID_CHK*/ (long)getpid()}#)

   Important notice: any sub-expression appearing in some EXPR_CHUNK
   is evaluated before, like for primitives, so will always be

   * Ability to emit some C code in the implementation part. Syntax
     (CIMPLEMENT <code-string>)

   This is a companion to the existing CHEADER. Useful to declare some
   specific non-inlined C++ function or static variable with CHEADER
   and to define it with CIMPLEMENT.

   * New ability to add module "static" value variables in MELT
        (DEFVAR <varname>)
   The so defined variable <varname> is (in the generated C/C++ code)
   a pointer [to some MELT value] inside a static array. Garbage
   collection support is generated.  The variable <varname> cannot be
   exported with EXPORT_VALUES, you need to export functions accessing
   or changing it.  Once defined, you can use SETQ to assign to such a
   module variable (and also DEFHOOK with :VAR)

   * New ability to define hooks, that is C/C++ functions coded in
     MELT. Syntax is 

        (DEFHOOK <hookname> <input-formals> <output-formals> <ctype> 
                 [:var <module-variable>] <body...>)
    The optional <module-variable> given with a :var annotation should be 
    a module variable previously defined with DEFVAR. 
    For example, with the following code

        (defvar varlist)
        (setq varlist (list))
        (defvar varhook)
        (defhook appendnumhk (:long n) (:long outlen) :void 
                 :var varhook
            (list_append varlist (constant_box n))
            (setq outlen (list_length varlist)))

    you get two generated extern "C" functions in the emitted C/C++ code
            void melthook_APPENDNUMHK (melt_ptr_t hook, long n, long* outlen);
            void melthookproc_APPENDNUMHK (long n, long* outlen);

    which you could use e.g. in some other code_chunk-s. The first
    function melthook_APPENDNUMHK needs the hook value `appendnumhk' as
    its first argument; the second function melthookproc_APPENDNUMHK
    is generated because a :var annotation has been given, and uses
    the hook value automagically stored in that `varhook' module
    Many functions previously coded in C/C++ inside the melt-runtime.c
    have been migrated to predefined hooks coded in MELT inside
    melt/warmelt-hooks.melt etc...

    Hooks are a very important addition: with them you can mix C/C++ & MELT 
    at will.

   * New ability to call hooks,

   Expresssions can also call known hooks given by their operator. But
   the hook cannot be unknown: only applications can be done with
   statically unknown operators.

   * EVAL function

   An EVAL function has been added, it wraps the existing
   TRANSLATE_RUN_MELT_EXPRESSIONS utility function so works by
   generating C/C++ code then loading and running it.

   Runtime improvements

   * To register your MELT pass, use the INSTALL_MELT_PASS_IN_GCC
   function instead of the obsolete INSTALL_MELT_GCC_PASS
   primitive. Notice that INSTALL_MELT_PASS_IN_GCC is incompatible
   with the older INSTALL_MELT_GCC_PASS, because you need to pass
   the :after keyword instead of the "after" cstring, etc, etc...

   * Many plugin events are interfaced (using hook machinery). 
   Some of them are incompatible with previous MELT releases.

   * Add macro melt_low_debug_value(Message,Value) to debug-print 
   some arbitrary MELT value in C/C++ code or chunk. 
   This goes thru a predefined hook, similar to the DEBUG macro of MELT.

   * Add C variable melt_plugin_name containing the name of the MELT
   plugin, useful for using register_callback.

   * Raised default threshold for GC. The MELT full garbage
   collector is less called.

   * Many bug fixes and internal improvements... Emitted C/C++ code 
     contains more checks..

   * More primitives and functions

Please report build successes and bugs on gcc-melt list at :

email: basile<at>starynkevitch<dot>net mobile: +33 6 8501 2359
8, rue de la Faiencerie, 92340 Bourg La Reine, France
*** opinions {are only mines, sont seulement les miennes} ***

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