On 22 July 2013 21:39, Jason Merrill wrote:
> I'd like to make some changes to the GCC git-svn mirror.  Specifically, I
> want to move all the SVN branches from remotes/ into heads/ and split the
> subdirectory branches (redhat, google, etc) into the individual branches.
> Should I leave the SVN branches as they are in remotes/ as well, for
> backward compatibility with existing users?
> Do we want to limit creation of non-personal branches via git?
> Any other thoughts?

It might be unrelated, but something has changed in the Git mirror
around July 25th such that origin/master is no longer the same as

$ git rev-parse origin/trunk
$ git rev-parse origin/master

The branches have the same content, but diverge after commit 149a90

$ git merge-base origin/trunk origin/master

Was that caused by moving these branches and was it expected?

Now that I've figured out why 'git pull' and 'git svn rebase' kept
giving me different content I can easily change my upstream to
origin/trunk, but it had me confused for a while!

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