Hello everyone,

I'd like to help with the modularization of GCC.

I've visited the getting started page at the official wiki but its contents seem too old. I'm fairly new to GCC and and I'm bewildered by its huge code base with lengthy and complicated makefiles and sophisticated internal mechanisms. I don't know how to figure out the exact process GCC is built and feel incompetent to make changes to existing code for fear of breaking the underlying mechanisms. Also, it seems to me that the documentation on GCC internals at the official wiki and various resources the wiki points to are not enough to help a newcomer to make significant contribution, since they are largely incomplete and outdated.

However, I do have rudimentary knowledge about the structure of the code base and have successfully built a frontend that merely emits a main function that returns 0 for GCC 4.9.0. But I have no idea how I can make further progress other than by aimlessly browsing through the source code.

So how can I gain a systematic understanding of the internals of GCC in order to get started with some serious work?

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