See bug entry for more details:

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Andrew Hsieh <> wrote:
> Bionic headers prior to android-L (for L-preview) aren't changed
> except for bug fixes since last major update in android-9 (gingerbread
> era), the API level used to build all 32-bit NDK toolchains, so it
> would be interesting to see how fixincluded differs should we use
> different API level > 9.
> Since JB, bionic is overhauled but not stable enough for NDK until
> android-L.  It's very possible that fixincluded for andorid-9 is wrong
> for android-L.  Do you have example?  We can fix up bionic headers for
> all levels in NDK to make fixincluded consistent if not gone
> completely
> On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 8:08 PM, Alexander Ivchenko <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi, I have a question about sysroot and fixincludes.
>> On Android there are different API levels (like android-9, android-10
>> etc) that match different versions of OS. Gcc from NDK is configured
>> using sysroot for android-9 and the convenient way for compiling for,
>> say, android-19 was by providing the sysroot to android-19 as a
>> command line option (--sysroot).
>> However, the header from the sysroot with which gcc was configured
>> could be "fixincluded", and, when I provide a different sysroot as a
>> command line option, "fixincluded" header could replace the actual
>> header from the specified sysroot - that is the root-cause of certain
>> problems.
>> Should search in 'include-fixed' be disabled when sysroot command line
>> option is specified?
>> --Alexander
> --
> Thanks,
> Andrew


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