On a x86_64 linux box I successfully built a gcc RC-20150418 toolchain
including binutils-2.25 and avr-libc r2473(svn).

I noticed some warnings in the logs:
../../../source/gcc-5.0.1-RC-20150418/gcc/vec.h:1048: warning: invalid
access to non-static data member âvec<ipa_polymorphic_call_context,
va_heap, vl_embed>::m_vecdataâ  of NULL object
../../../source/gcc-5.0.1-RC-20150418/gcc/vec.h:1048: warning:
(perhaps the âoffsetofâ macro was used incorrectly)

but the build completed successfully

One small problem I found is that earlier snapshots (RC-20150405 I
think) built OK without texinfo, but this RC build fails without it.
I just installed texinfo instead of trying to fix the configure

I compiled a small C program with -mmcu=attiny84,-Os and got a good
binary.  I also tried  -Os -ftlo, and got a good binary.
Unfortunately, despite the announced optimization improvements for lto
and ipa, I'm seeing slightly larger binaries than 4.9.2.  Hopefully
the next 5.x release will surpass 4.9.2.

Here's the build scripts I used if anyone wants to repeat it:


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