On 18/05/15 10:05, Umesh Kalappa wrote:
> Hi All,
> Getting a bus/hard error for the below case ,make sense since ldm/stm
> expects the address to be word aligned .
> bash-4.1$ cat test.c
> struct test
> {
>         char c;
>         int i;
> } __attribute__((packed));
> struct test a,b;
> int main()
> {
>         a =b ; //here compiler is not sure that a or b is word aligned
>         return a.i;
> }
> bash-4.1$ arm-eabi-gcc -v
> Using built-in specs.
> COLLECT_GCC=arm-eabi-gcc
> COLLECT_LTO_WRAPPER=/nobackup/ukalappa/build/gcc/mv-ga/c4.7.0-p1/x86_64-linux/libexec/gcc/arm-eabi/4.7.0/lto-wrapper
> Target: arm-eabi
> Configured with: /nobackup/ukalappa/src/gcc/mv-ga/gcc/configure
> --srcdir=/nobackup/ukalappa/src/gcc/mv-ga/gcc --build=x86_64-linux
> --target=arm-eabi --host=x86_64-linux
> --prefix=/nobackup/ukalappa/build/gcc/mv-ga/c4.7.0-p1
> --exec-prefix=/nobackup/ukalappa/build/gcc/mv-ga/c4.7.0-p1/x86_64-linux
> --with-pkgversion='Cisco GCC c4.7.0-p1' --with-cisco-patch-level=1
> --with-cisco-patch-level-minor=0
> --with-bugurl=http://wwwin.cisco.com/it/services/
> --disable-maintainer-mode --enable-languages=c,c++ --disable-nls
> Thread model: single
> gcc version 4.7.0
> bash-4.1$ ./arm-eabi-gcc -march=armv7 -mthumb  -S test.c
> bash-4.1$ cat test.s
>         .syntax unified
>         .arch armv7
>         .fpu softvfp
>         .eabi_attribute 20, 1
>         .eabi_attribute 21, 1
>         .eabi_attribute 23, 3
>         .eabi_attribute 24, 1
>         .eabi_attribute 25, 1
>         .eabi_attribute 26, 1
>         .eabi_attribute 30, 6
>         .eabi_attribute 34, 1
>         .eabi_attribute 18, 4
>         .thumb
>         .file   "test.c"
>         .comm   a,5,4
>         .comm   b,5,4

The above two lines create (common) instances of a and b that are 4-byte
aligned, so the LDM should not be faulting in this case, unless your
binutils have ignored the alignment constraints.

I don't think the compiler has done the wrong thing here.


>         .text
>         .align  2
>         .global main
>         .thumb
>         .thumb_func
>         .type   main, %function
> main:
>         @ args = 0, pretend = 0, frame = 0
>         @ frame_needed = 1, uses_anonymous_args = 0
>         @ link register save eliminated.
>         push    {r7}
>         add     r7, sp, #0
>         movw    r3, #:lower16:a
>         movt    r3, #:upper16:a
>         movw    r2, #:lower16:b
>         movt    r2, #:upper16:b
>         ldmia   r2, {r0, r1}   //Bus error
>         str     r0, [r3]
>         adds    r3, r3, #4
>         strb    r1, [r3]
>         movw    r3, #:lower16:a
>         movt    r3, #:upper16:a
>         ldr     r3, [r3, #1]    @ unaligned
>         mov     r0, r3
>         mov     sp, r7
>         pop     {r7}
>         bx      lr
>         .size   main, .-main
> Arm states that ldm/stm should be word aligned and generating ldm/stm
> in the above case is the compiler error/bug ,do you guys agree with me
> or i'm missing something here ?
> Thank you
> ~Umesh

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