On 04/26/2015 11:47 AM, Shoham Peller wrote:
You are completely right Jonathan. My Apologies.
WPP is a tool I use in my work field on an every-day basis, so I
thought it was known.

Here is the Wikipedia page on WPP:

In short, WPP allows to put traces and logs in your C/C++ products and
send to customers, without including sensitive tracing/logging strings
in your binary.
What WPP does, is it runs during pre-compilation, and replaces the
string in each call to a trace macro, with an obfuscated string. So:
DoTrace("program started %d %s beginning", num, str);
is Replaced to:
DoTrace("897192873 __LINE__ __FILE__ %d %s", num, str);
And puts the original string in the Debug's .pdb file, with the debug symbols.
Later, the user can use a software like EtwDataViewer (see first
google result for screenshot) to "Reverse" the WPP traces, and recover
the original traces of the program.

I hope my explanation is clear.

So again:
1. Can you think of a way to achieve this with gcc?
     We used regular expressions until now to find the "DoTrace" and
replace the strings, but needless to say its ugly.

Here's a simple (perhaps naive) way to do it without changing
the compiler:

1) Define a DoTrace macro that "annotates" each format string
   with a special "tag" to make it reliably distinguishable
   from all other strings in a program. For example:

   #define DoTrace(fmt, ...) \
       vfprintf (stderr, "@DoTrace@" fmt, __VA_ARGS__)

   (This assumes that all tracing format strings are literals.)

2) Add a stage to your build system that searches the .rodata
   section of each object (program or DSO) for occurrences of
   strings that start with the unique "@DoTrace@" tag, replaces
   each instance of such a string with its unique id while
   retaining any formatting directives, and stores the mapping
   from the modified format string to the replaced string in
   some "other file."

   I would be inclined to start by using the Binutils objcopy
   command to extract the .rodata section, modifying it as
   necessary using a script, and then putting the result back
   into the object file. If scripting turned out to be too
   clumsy, error-prone, or slow I would look at using the
   Binutils BFD library instead.

3) Write a tool that, given the "other file" created in stage
   (3), replaces the encoded format strings with the originals.

     We also thought about implementing a gcc plugin, but I think a lot
of people can benefit from it being embedded in gcc, instead of having
to import an .so file to enjoy this feature.
2. Do you think its a good feature for gcc, and will you (the
maintainers) be willing to merge it, after we'll implement it?

As others have already implied I too suspect this is overly
specialized to be of general interest or appropriate for
inclusion in a compiler.


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