On 03/28/2016 01:56 PM, Florian Weimer wrote:
In Bugzilla PR # 70275, Manuel López-Ibáñez reports that even though
he provides the "-Werror=return-type" option, the compiler doesn't
flag the warning/error about a control reaching the end of a non-void
function, due to the presence of the "-w" option.  He points out that
clang++ wtill flags the promoted warning even though warnings are

I did not report the bug and did not mention anything of the above. I only commented on why GCC works like it works and how one can change the behaviour if so desired. I don't care one way or the other and I can see benefits for either behaviour.

I think -w is ordered with respect to the other warning obtions, and
-w inhibits previously requested warnings, and future -W flags may
enable other warnings.  With this in mind, I agree that the current
GCC behavior is consistent and probably not a bug.

The command-line order does not affect '-w' and there is no way to undo '-w'. It is a global boolean switch independent of anything else (including pragmas) that disables warnings just before they are re-classified (by pragmas or -Werror=) into something else. This means that if -Wfoobar is given in the command-line (or enabled by a pragma) and it requires an expensive analysis, this analysis is done even in the presence of -w, only the warning message is not emitted.

One question to answer if the behaviour does change is what would be the effect of using '-w' on warning options enabled by #pragmas. Some people may still want a switch that simply disables all warnings no matter how they are enabled.



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