Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your kind response! My sincere thanks goes to you, the core developer of llvm-gcc and dragonegg http://llvm.org/devmtg/2009-10/Sands_LLVMGCCPlugin.pdf

dragonegg release_33 is still able to work happily for GCC v4.6.3 and LLVM v3.3 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DFtthrTVoAEhnhA.jpg

> IIRC I did it this way because to generate these files you need to have theentire GCC sources, while one of the goals of dragonegg was that in order to beable to build dragonegg you should only need to have the gcc headers installed.

Yes, it is for the benefit of the dragonegg maintainers, and I built GCC v4.6.3 and v6.3 by myself https://github.com/xiangzhai/dragonegg/wiki/GGC

but after GCC v4.x, the API of GCC v5.x, v6.x, v7.x and v8.x (git master branch) had been changed a lot, so I am trying to migrate dragonegg for GCC v6.3 and LLVM v3.9 https://reviews.llvm.org/D35667

could you give me some hint, thanks a lot!

Leslie Zhai - a LLVM developer https://reviews.llvm.org/p/xiangzhai/

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