On Aug 2, 2017, at 10:34 PM, Daniel Santos <daniel.san...@pobox.com> wrote:
> I'm working on a patch to modify the testsuite to obey the
> --load-average value if one is passed to make.

The code seems like a reasonable approach.  Love to see numbers and test 
scenarios so that others can tell if you've covered their use case.  -j 100 is 
different from -j 4.  People can help chip in numbers, if they have senarios 
that are less represented.

I don't usually share or use -l, so I don't think I can help test it.  I do 
wonder if it might be better to use a higher -j (I use -j somewhere between 24 
and 50) and use a load limit, even in my situation.

The only concern would be that of portability.  Seems reasonable to let it in 
and fix up any issues found after the fact.  I like how you ensure low impact 
when -l isn't used.

Minor nit, tollerance -> tolerance.

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