On 4 October 2017 at 17:14, Jeffrey Walton wrote:
> Maybe some of the first steps is to (1) recognize the information
> management problem, and (2) provide information dissemination that's
> {amicable|consistent|?} with what's occurring in 2017. I mean,

What does that mean in concrete terms?

> README's were fine in the 1980's but with the advent of the web, users
> do different things nowadays.

Which README are you criticising?

Got any concrete suggestions we can act on, or just "make it betterer"?

> For completeness, GCC has a wiki. But I still don't have an account to
> make an occasional update; and I still don't know how to get an
> account. I tried to get one in the past but the process was broken so
> I gave up.

1) create an account
2) get your username added to the right page to grant editing privs
(by someone who already has them)

How is this broken?

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