Hi all,

It's almost 3 weeks since I last posted on GCC Buildbot. Here's an update:

* 3 x86_64 workers from CF are now installed;
* There's one scheduler for trunk doing fresh builds for every Daily bump;
* One scheduler doing incremental builds for each active branch;
* An IRC bot which is currently silent;

The next steps are:
* Enable LNT (I have installed this but have yet to connect to buildbot)
for tracking performance benchmarks over time -- it should come up as
http://gcc-lnt.linki.tools in the near future.
* Enable regression analysis --- This is fundamental. I understand that
without this the buildbot is pretty useless so it has highest priority.
However, I would like some agreement as to what in GCC should be
considered a regression. Each test in deja gnu can have several status:

Since GCC doesn't have a 'clean bill' of test results we need to analyse
the sum files for the current run and compare with the last run of the
same branch. I have written down that if for each test there's a
transition that looks like the following, then a regression exists and
the test run should be marked as failure.

    ANY -> no test  ; Test disappears
    ANY / XPASS -> XPASS    ; Test goes from any status other than XPASS
    ANY / KPASS -> KPASS    ; Test goes from any status other than KPASS
    new test -> FAIL        ; New test starts as fail
    PASS -> ANY             ; Test moves away from PASS

This is a suggestion. I am keen to have corrections from people who use
this on a daily basis and/or have a better understanding of each status.

As soon as we reach a consensus, I will deploy this analysis and enable
IRC bot to notify on the #gcc channel the results of the tests.

Paulo Matos

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