I'm a little confused. In gimple I need to do a comparison between 2 values, and I create a boolean_type_node result. I then combine it with an existing condition, but fortran is crapping out on me because the boolean_type I created is not compatible with the boolean type is has already created for a different condition:

Its not exactly this situation, but the idea is similar:

 _65 = _37 != 0;    <<-- in the IL
 _77 = _34 != 0;    <<-- Im creating this

 and something like

   (_65 != _77)

 Craps out on me because the types are incompatible.

The expression created by fortran assigned to _65 is of type: logical(kind=4)
and mine, _77 created with boolean_type_node, is logical(kind=1)

I was under the impression that using boolean_type_node would give me the right kind of boolean for that language, but apparently I was mistaken.

If I don't have the context of the type of _65, how am I suppose to get the right boolean type for _77 when I create it? I don't want to cast it to the right logical kind, Id like to just get it right. I haven't stumbled across any hooks or other obvious thing...

I feel like I am missing something obvious...  :-P


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