* Allan Sandfeld Jensen:

> A problem that I keep running into is functions defined headers, but used in 
> sources files that are compiled with different CPU feature flags (for runtime 
> CPU feature selection).
> We know to make sure the functions are inlinable and their address never 
> taken, but of course in debug builds they are still not inlined. Every so 
> often the functions get compiled using some of the optional CPU instructions, 
> and if the linker selects the optimized versions those instructions can then 
> leak through to instances compiled with different CPU flags where the 
> instructions aren't supposed to be used. This happens even in unoptimized 
> debug builds as the extended instruction selections doesn't count as an 
> optimization.

You need to provide source code examples.  This isn't supposed to happen
if you declare the functions as static inline.  If a function is emitted
for any reason, it will be local this particular object file.

Plain inline (for C++) works differently and will attempt to share


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