Hi -

I made an experimental configuration change on sourceware/gcc.gnu.org
yesterday that had unforeseen effects on some mailing list
subscribers.  We turned on VERP (variable envelope return paths) on
outgoing mail from mailman, in order to assist tracking mail delivery
problems.  This changes the Sender: field that allows precise handling
of bounces, but interferes with filtering on that field.

If you use Sender:-based filtering for sorting your incoming email
stream, I suggest switching to observing List-Id: instead, or else
using a regexp/substring style of Sender: matching.

We're not sure we're keeping the new configuration yet.  It's
performing well.  With either of the two changes, you would be
immunized against change even if we return to the previous
configuration sometime.  I'm sorry about the inconvenience!

- FChE

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