
I was browsing the list of submitted GSoC projects this year and the
project regarding bypassing assembler when generating LTO object files
caught my eye.

I already have a gcc built from source (sync-ed with trunk/master) and
launched the test-suite on it.

I am currently in process of understanding the primilary patch
(https://gcc.gnu.org/legacy-ml/gcc/2014-09/msg00340.html), and
experimenting with it.

are there any other things I should be aware of (useful Doc/blog or a
bug tracking the project) before proceeding further ?

I am Ankur Saini, a B.Tech CSE 3rd year student at USICT, GGSIPU india
and a former GSoC contributor at gcc ( worked on expanding gcc static
analyzer's C++ support in GSoC 2021

- Ankur

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