On Tue, 13 Dec 2022 14:20:39 -0500
Paul Koning <paulkon...@comcast.net> wrote:

> I'm puzzled.  What is your purpose?  What result do you expect from your 
> messages?  What action would you like to see?

GCC is a "mailing list." This is a recent innovation in which people post 
comments about subjects they are interested in discussing, and others submit 
replies on response. 

My message was a reply in one of those ongoing conversations entitled "Good 
grief Charlie Brown", in which OP laments certain design decisions the GCC 
project was made.

A response was made to his post, containing a counter-argument.

My response to that response contained my own counter-counter-argument.


> I see some vague hints that there are some issues. 

Really? So you are vaguely aware that the GNU/Glibc/GCC bootstrap process is 
insanely brittle and broken?

> If you want those to be addressed, you should report them as defects through 
> the bug tracker.  To do so, you should be specific as to what's failing so 
> others can reproduce what you did and see what goes wrong.

So what should be the title of this issue--"your software is insanely broken 
and buggy and basically needs a partial or complete redesign"? OK. When should 
I expect resolution of this issue?

> Apart from that, generic "I don't like what you guys did" is obviously just 
> going to get ignored as meaningless ravings.

And this should be considered surprising, considering GNU's long history of 
(seemingly on purpose) releasing junkware, despite user complaints?

Hell, I haven't even got started complaining about anything. Should we get into 
The Entire Linux Ecosystem, Led By GNU's recent bizarre decision to start 
incrementing major version numbers seemingly every 3 months? It's almost like 
you have forgotten every lesson you've ever learned about how to version 
software releases.


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