Everyone knows the state-of-art old-fashioned file cabinet for the library. Its 
"analytical" boxes and dividers, like the cards themselves, have faithfully 
served more than one generation of librarians. Paper cards have been a very 
flexible medium, allowing librarians to expand datasets and tailor records to 
fit their library workflows by simply making notes on the card.


Today, we can combine the elegant simplicity of a filing system with the 
functional and visual richness of modern web and data processing technologies. 
Each piece of data about books on the shelves, authors, publishers, readers, 
and dates can be stored, retrieved, linked, and used as a filter or grouping 
criterion for many thousands of records.


The solution by 
 is based on the world-renowned open-source content management system: 
 engine. Depending on your requirements, we transform it into a library data 
management system by implementing extensions ([Semantic 
 input forms, analytical interfaces, and interactive reports, paying special 
attention to the extensibility and adaptability of the system on the user side.


Unlike its [closest 
 MediaWiki allows a unique solution designed, tested, and implemented 
specifically with your organization's goals in mind. Do not hesitate to contact 
us to take your library processes and [knowledge 
 to the next level.


Sincerely yours,

Kirill Klimov - WikiTeq

Technical Project Manager


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