I've been going through building and testing all the games in the
autobuilder on my Beagleboard. I've found a lot of the games default to
full screen mode which causes them not to work. Would it be ok to default
them to windowed mode? It's just a simple change to the !Run file.

Here's a list of all the games with their working status. It seems any
game that tries to load a jpeg file fails. The error is something like
'libjpeg.so.62: SDL_LoadObject() not implemented' even though the
executable is statically linked.

I've also got the game !Flobopuyo working. http://www.ios-software.com/?page=projet&quoi=29
Once I've got it building properly in the autobuilder I can add it. This
also suffers from the jpeg loading problem which I worked around by converting
them to png but not ideal.

!Airstrike        Works but no sound
!Alephone         Error parsing mml files starting a new game (!M1A1)
!BumpRace         Error loading jpegs
!BlackBox         Works
!CircusLnx        Works
!CivClient        Locks up
!CivServer        Wimpslot grows until runs out of memory
!Defenguin        Works
!Edgar            Quits on load
!GemDropX         Works
!GLHack           Quits with 'dungeon description not valid'
!Heroes           Works
!IceBreaker       Works
!jumpnbump        Works
!komi             Works
!Lincity          Quits with error creating (null)/.lincity
!MazeOfGalious    Works
!Noiz2sa          Build error
!OpenTTD          Build error
!PengCmnd         Error loading jpegs
!PipeNight        Error loading jpegs
!RockDodger       Works
!RS               Works but sound stutters alot
!RocksNDmds       Works
!SDLRoids         Works
!Statagus         Not tested (No game data)
!SuperTux         Error loading jpegs and Crashes with stack backtrace
!Toppler          Works
!Tutris           Works
!TuxMath          Error loading jpegs
!Wargus           Not tested (No game data)
!Wesnoth          Build error
!Xconq            Build error
!XJig             Locks up
!Xpilot-ng        Works
!Xrick            Works
!Xu4              Works

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