Chris Gransden wrote:
I've been going through building and testing all the games in the
autobuilder on my Beagleboard. I've found a lot of the games default to
full screen mode which causes them not to work. Would it be ok to default
them to windowed mode? It's just a simple change to the !Run file.

Yes. I have given Chris SVN write access.

Here's a list of all the games with their working status. It seems any
game that tries to load a jpeg file fails. The error is something like
' SDL_LoadObject() not implemented' even though the
executable is statically linked.

That's a new message, and no doubt it is due to upstream changes.
Probably what you are seeing is not surprising.  Due to various
churn, and less consistency when we did many of the original ports
5-6 years ago, some stuff no longer works, and will need to be
address on an individual basis.   However, games are usually
easy to fix, since the issues are usually minimal and easy to

On a different note, Debian is about to transition to libjpeg8.  I'm
sure that will affect us in due course.

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