> > Odd but when 8 mmap areas created malloc doesn't use heap, but produces
> > a crash.

Checked now.. there is no mmap call. But the problem might be something else.
If I hardcode a insane amount of stack , the mallocs uses heap , to a
much higher extent.

> No, n is the number of bytes you require. We do have memalign(),
> although I'm not sure if it's exported in the headers.
> I believe, off the top of my head that, malloc should return an address
> aligned to the host machine's pointer size, so 4 byte alignment for
> 32bits and 8 byte alignment for 64bits. Having said that, that doesn't
> account for double word loads that may require 8 byte alignment. It's
> quite possible that our malloc should be returning 8 byte aligned
> addresses to account for new processor requirements, I should probably
> look into that.

I did a unscientific test. Malloc 12 bytes , fill with 16 bytes, which
worked , so malloc is 8 byte aligned.
Maybe just lucky shot .. filling with 18 bytes , gives me bad mem at the end.

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