On 10/08/2021 17:39, wra1th+gavin wrote:
On 2021-08-10 16:22, Lee Noar wrote:

There's still a couple of things we can try in an attempt to isolate
the problem, if you add -v to your GCC command line we can see at what
stage things fail.
It seems the GCC driver (gcc) is working OK, so it's either the compiler
(cc1), or the linker (ld).

Herer attached is the output.

Looks like it's the compiler that's failing, perhaps if readelf works
you could try these and post the results so that I can compare against

readelf -d /SCSI::HardDisc4.$/Programming/GCC/noar/!GCC/bin/../libexec/gcc/arm-unknown-riscos/4.7.4/cc1


readelf -e /SCSI::HardDisc4.$/Programming/GCC/noar/!GCC/bin/../libexec/gcc/arm-unknown-riscos/4.7.4/cc1

The size of that binary here is 12,889,608 bytes.


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