Sarah Mulholland wrote:
I need to write multiple images to a NITF file. I notice on the gdal NITF page that gdal only writes one image or raster of data to a file. On another page, I see that multiple images in a NITF can be read as subdatasets. Is the documentation up to date that subdatasets in a NITF file are a read-only capability? In there any plan to allow the writing of subdatasets?


You are correct.  Currently the GDAL NITF writer is quite a bit less
flexible than the reader.  It does not support writing multi-image
files for instance.

What’s the usual approach for writing multiple images to a NITF from C and python? If not gdal, is there some other package that people use? I looked on the JITC web site, and it seems like most certified packages are parts of large systems, not just NITF libraries.

You might want to look into the NITF generation capabilities of OSSIM.

You also might want to look at NITRO-NITF

In particlar the NITRO-NITF library is focused on NITF support, and
appears to be fairly flexible though I haven't tried to use it myself
yet.  It might also be useful to the folks asking about TRE writing though
I hope to respond more directly to them soon.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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