
The image I've been trying to convert is at this URL. It's about 6MB, hopefully that's not too big.

Basically, I'm trying to convert it to a plain-old EPGS:4326 (latlong projection).

I appreciate you taking a look.


PS - I'm still new to the GDAL list; when you say file a Trac ticket, where would I do this?

Scott Lewis wrote:
I've been having problems getting it staged. As soon as I'm able to I'll send the URL. Maybe the source geotiff file doesn't have the information necessary to convert correctly, perhaps.

Again, thanks for your help.  Hopefully I'll have the URL soon.


Frank Warmerdam wrote:
Scott Lewis wrote:

Thanks for the help. I tried doing this, and ended up with the same image (even diff found them to be the same). Here are the various commands I tried. Maybe I'm just using the -wo option wrong.

gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -wo SOURCE_EXTRA=1000 input.gtiff.tif output1.gtiff.tif gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -wo "SOURCE_EXTRA=1000" input.gtiff.tif output2.gtiff.tif gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:4326 -wo "SOURCE_EXTRA=1000 SAMPLE_GRID=YES SAMPLE_STEP=100" input.gtiff.tif output3.gtiff.tif

I'll continue to play with those options, though. gdalwarp seems to not act any different (IE, it takes the same amount of time to process) with or without the -wo option, so I'm thinking I'm just not using the option correctly somehow.

Again, I appreciate your help!


I suspect I've misconstrued what is going wrong.  If you can stage
the input file somewhere, and if it isn't too terribly huge, I would
be interested in trying it myself.  Ideally this could be filed as a
Trac ticket.

Best regards,
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