
Thanks so much, that helps very much.


On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Gong, Shawn (Contractor) <> wrote:

>  hi Roger,
> Here are cpp and h files that I modified to flip netCDF images.
> They are in ..\gdal-1.6.0\frmts\netcdf\
> hope that they help,
> Shawn
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* [mailto:
>] *On Behalf Of *Roger André
> *Sent:* Wednesday, February 18, 2009 3:45 PM
> *To:* gdal-dev
> *Subject:* [gdal-dev] NetCDF data upside down when read by gdal
> Hi All,
> - I am attempting to use a NetCDF file as a data source for a raster layer
> in Mapserver.  According to a very useful email sent in November 2005 from
> Norman Barker,
> and from Mapserver documentation at
>, it seems like this
> should be possible using Mapserver's gdal driver to read the file.  However,
> I am running into some problems when trying to implement these examples
> using GDAL 1.5.2, released 2008/05/29.
> - The NetCDF file which I am using to test with is a "CF Convention" sample
> file which I downloaded from
> This file contains information about sea-surface temperatures, and when
> viewed by gdalinfo has the following characteristics:
> $ gdalinfo
> Driver: netCDF/Network Common Data Format
> Files:
> Size is 512, 512
> Coordinate System is `'
> Metadata:
>   NC_GLOBAL#title=IPSL  model output prepared for IPCC Fourth Assessment
> SRES A2 experiment
>   NC_GLOBAL#institution=IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris, France)
>   NC_GLOBAL#source=IPSL-CM4_v1 (2003) : atmosphere : LMDZ (IPSL-CM4_IPCC,
> 96x71x19) ; ocean ORCA2 (ipsl_cm4_v1_8, 2x2L31); sea ice LIM (ipsl_cm4_v
>   NC_GLOBAL#contact=Sebastien Denvil,
>   NC_GLOBAL#project_id=IPCC Fourth Assessment
>   NC_GLOBAL#table_id=Table O1 (13 November 2004)
>   NC_GLOBAL#experiment_id=SRES A2 experiment
>   NC_GLOBAL#realization=1
>   NC_GLOBAL#cmor_version=9.600000e-01
>   NC_GLOBAL#Conventions=CF-1.0
>   NC_GLOBAL#history=YYYY/MM/JJ: data generated; YYYY/MM/JJ+1 data
> transformed  At 16:37:23 on 01/11/2005, CMOR rewrote data to comply with CF
> standards and IPCC Fourth Assessment requirements
>   NC_GLOBAL#references=Dufresne et al, Journal of Climate, 2015, vol XX, p
> 136
>   NC_GLOBAL#comment=Test drive
> Subdatasets:
>   SUBDATASET_1_NAME=NETCDF:"":lon_bnds
>   SUBDATASET_1_DESC=[180x2] lon_bnds (64-bit floating-point)
>   SUBDATASET_2_NAME=NETCDF:"":lat_bnds
>   SUBDATASET_2_DESC=[170x2] lat_bnds (64-bit floating-point)
>   SUBDATASET_3_NAME=NETCDF:"":time_bnds
>   SUBDATASET_3_DESC=[24x2] time_bnds (64-bit floating-point)
>   SUBDATASET_4_DESC=[24x170x180] sea_surface_temperature (32-bit
> floating-point)
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (    0.0,    0.0)
> Lower Left  (    0.0,  512.0)
> Upper Right (  512.0,    0.0)
> Lower Right (  512.0,  512.0)
> Center      (  256.0,  256.0)
> - The SUBDATASET of interest is the "tos" one, and when queried by gdalinfo
> it shows that it contains 24 bands, each of which varies by
> NETCDF_DIMENSION_time that increments by 15.  When specifically queried by
> gdalinfo, this SUBDATASET looks like this:
> $ gdalinfo NETCDF:"":tos
> Driver: netCDF/Network Common Data Format
> Files: none associated
> Size is 180, 170
> Coordinate System is `'
> Origin = (0.000000000000000,90.000000000000000)
> Pixel Size = (2.000000000000000,-1.000000000000000)
> Metadata:
>   NC_GLOBAL#title=IPSL  model output prepared for IPCC Fourth Assessment
> SRES A2 experiment
>   NC_GLOBAL#institution=IPSL (Institut Pierre Simon Laplace, Paris, France)
>   NC_GLOBAL#source=IPSL-CM4_v1 (2003) : atmosphere : LMDZ (IPSL-CM4_IPCC,
> 96x71x19) ; ocean ORCA2 (ipsl_cm4_v1_8, 2x2L31); sea ice LIM (ipsl_cm4_v
>   NC_GLOBAL#contact=Sebastien Denvil,
>   NC_GLOBAL#project_id=IPCC Fourth Assessment
>   NC_GLOBAL#table_id=Table O1 (13 November 2004)
>   NC_GLOBAL#experiment_id=SRES A2 experiment
>   NC_GLOBAL#realization=1
>   NC_GLOBAL#cmor_version=9.600000e-01
>   NC_GLOBAL#Conventions=CF-1.0
>   NC_GLOBAL#history=YYYY/MM/JJ: data generated; YYYY/MM/JJ+1 data
> transformed  At 16:37:23 on 01/11/2005, CMOR rewrote data to comply with CF
> standards and IPCC Fourth Assessment requirements
>   NC_GLOBAL#references=Dufresne et al, Journal of Climate, 2015, vol XX, p
> 136
>   NC_GLOBAL#comment=Test drive
>   tos#standard_name=sea_surface_temperature
>   tos#long_name=Sea Surface Temperature
>   tos#units=K
>   tos#cell_methods=time: mean (interval: 30 minutes)
>   tos#_FillValue=1.000000e+20
>   tos#missing_value=1.000000e+20
>   tos#original_name=sosstsst
>   tos#original_units=degC
>   tos#history= At   16:37:23 on 01/11/2005: CMOR altered the data in the
> following ways: added 2.73150E+02 to yield output units;  Cyclical dimension
> was output starting at a different lon;
>   lon#standard_name=longitude
>   lon#long_name=longitude
>   lon#units=degrees_east
>   lon#axis=X
>   lon#bounds=lon_bnds
>   lon#original_units=degrees_east
>   lat#standard_name=latitude
>   lat#long_name=latitude
>   lat#units=degrees_north
>   lat#axis=Y
>   lat#bounds=lat_bnds
>   lat#original_units=degrees_north
>   time#standard_name=time
>   time#long_name=time
>   time#units=days since 2001-1-1
>   time#axis=T
>   time#calendar=360_day
>   time#bounds=time_bnds
>   time#original_units=seconds since 2001-1-1
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (   0.0000000,  90.0000000)
> Lower Left  (   0.0000000, -80.0000000)
> Upper Right (     360.000,      90.000)
> Lower Right (     360.000,     -80.000)
> Center      ( 180.0000000,   5.0000000)
> Band 1 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=15
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 2 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=45
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 3 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=75
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 4 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=105
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 5 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=135
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 6 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=165
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 7 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=195
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 8 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=225
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 9 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=255
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 10 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=285
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 11 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=315
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 12 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=345
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 13 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=375
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 14 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=405
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 15 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=435
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 16 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=465
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 17 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=495
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 18 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=525
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 19 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=555
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 20 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=585
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 21 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=615
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 22 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=645
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 23 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=675
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> Band 24 Block=180x1 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Undefined
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=705
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> - I am able to test that I can extract one of these bands with GDAL, and
> convert it to GeoTIFF with the following command:
> gdal_translate -b 1 NETCDF:"":tos sea_temp_band_1.tif.
> Here however is where the first problem appears.  As you can see from the
> screenshot of the sea_temp_band_1.tif that I've posted at
> the data in the file appears to be represented upside down.  Since this file
> is a sample from the Unidata web site, I'm reasonably confident that the
> file follows the CF convention.  Every NetCDF file I have tried to read with
> GDAL has had this problem, including ones that I have created with
> gdal_translate.  As you can see from the gdalinfo output above, the
> georeferencing and pixel dimensions seem to be reasonable.  In the past I
> have used to "fix" this, and created an intermediary
> GeoTIFF.  Now that I would like to use the NetCDF itself as the data source
> to feed a WCS service, this is no longer an acceptable solution.  Of
> interest though, is that the georeferencing info between the flipped and
> unflipped files are exactly the same.  See below:
> - Flipped file:
> ---------------
> $ gdalinfo flipped_sea_temp_band_1.tif
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: flipped_sea_temp_band_1.tif
> Size is 180, 170
> Coordinate System is `'
> Origin = (0.000000000000000,90.000000000000000)
> Pixel Size = (2.000000000000000,-1.000000000000000)
> Image Structure Metadata:
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (   0.0000000,  90.0000000)
> Lower Left  (   0.0000000, -80.0000000)
> Upper Right (     360.000,      90.000)
> Lower Right (     360.000,     -80.000)
> Center      ( 180.0000000,   5.0000000)
> Band 1 Block=180x11 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
> - Unflipped file:
> -----------------
> $ gdalinfo sea_temp_band_1.tif
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
> Files: sea_temp_band_1.tif
> Size is 180, 170
> Coordinate System is `'
> Origin = (0.000000000000000,90.000000000000000)
> Pixel Size = (2.000000000000000,-1.000000000000000)
> <snip> (Metadata removed for clarity)
> Image Structure Metadata:
> Corner Coordinates:
> Upper Left  (   0.0000000,  90.0000000)
> Lower Left  (   0.0000000, -80.0000000)
> Upper Right (     360.000,      90.000)
> Lower Right (     360.000,     -80.000)
> Center      ( 180.0000000,   5.0000000)
> Band 1 Block=180x11 Type=Float32, ColorInterp=Gray
>   NoData Value=1.00000002004087734e+20
>   Metadata:
>     NETCDF_DIMENSION_time=15
>     NETCDF_time_units=days since 2001-1-1
> - I'm unsure if this is a bug in GDAL, or an incorrectly formatted NetCDF
> file.  So, would it be possible for someone who has a NetCDF file that is
> read  "right-side-up" to post it as a sample for me to test with?
> Thanks in advance,
> Roger
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