Sorry about that.  It has to do with the little progress indicator that runs
when gdal processes a file.  There are different ways of invoking it, and my
mileage varies with each of them.  I think it is based on what version of
gdal you're using.  Anyhow, 2 ways you can deal with this.  I think with
your version of gdal you can just remove the import statement, line 14 (
gdal.TermProgress = gdal.TermProgress_nocb ), entirely. If that doesn't
work, just remove all 3 lines that have "TermProgress" in them.  You won't
have a status indicator then to tell you how far along the coloring is, but
the program should run.  Also, just fyi that the colorization won't be
incredibly fast. It takes around 5 minutes to color an image that is 2500 x
2500 pixels on my machine.  There is obviously room for optimization here

On Sat, Apr 11, 2009 at 5:05 PM, alvarez00 <> wrote:

> Hi Roger,
> I'm trying to run the python code you suggested but I keep getting this
> error :
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "", line 14, in <module>
>    gdal.TermProgress = gdal.TermProgress_nocb
> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'TermProgress_nocb' "
> I don't know if it's the version of gdal I'm using or something else. (i'm
> using gdal
> thanks,
> Here's another way you can do it, a Python script that will create discreet
> color classes from a grayscale image.  It uses a function named MakeColor
> which is currently set to work on Z values between 0 and 255.  You can test
> it by converting your file into an 8-bit version (gdal_translate -scale -ot
> Byte <infile> <outfile> ), and then running the tool on it.  Once you see
> how it works, it should be pretty simple to modify the function to deal
> with
> the actual ranges in your data.
> Roger
> --
> On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 4:24 PM, alvarez00 <> wrote:
> >
> > I'm trying to make a color ramp for a 1-band tiff file or a jpeg. I have
> a
> > 1-band tiff file and I converted that tiff file into VRT. I was reading
> some
> > of the posts and some suggest to modify the VRT file and add a ColorTable
> > tag but that doesn't work. My objective is to show the tiff(or)jpeg on
> > google earth. I'm running version of gdal. Below is the VRT file
> > without any modifications. What I modify was the
> > '<ColorInterp>Gray</ColorInterp>' to '<ColorInterp>Palette</ColorInterp>'
> > and added a ColorTable.
> >
> > VRTDataset rasterXSize="1200" rasterYSize="1096">
> >
> <SRS>GEOGCS[&quot;NAD83&quot;,DATUM[&quot;North_American_Datum_1983&quot;,SPHEROID[&quot;GRS
> >
> 1980&quot;,6378137,298.2572221010002,AUTHORITY[&quot;EPSG&quot;,&quot;7019&quot;]],AUTHORITY[&quot;EPSG&quot;,&quot;6269&quot;]],PRIMEM[&quot;Greenwich&quot;,0],UNIT[&quot;degree&quot;,0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY[&quot;EPSG&quot;,&quot;4269&quot;]]</SRS>
> >  <GeoTransform> -1.2459079918952935e+02,  8.9964705882352915e-03,
> >  0.0000000000000000e+00,  4.2216820949146452e+01,
>  0.0000000000000000e+00,
> > -8.9964705882352915e-03</GeoTransform>
> >  <Metadata>
> >    <MDI key="AREA_OR_POINT">Area</MDI>
> >  </Metadata>
> >  <VRTRasterBand dataType="Float32" band="1">
> >    <Metadata/>
> >    <NoDataValue>-3.40282346638529E+38</NoDataValue>
> >    <ColorInterp>Gray</ColorInterp>
> >    <SimpleSource>
> >      <SourceFilename
> > relativeToVRT="1">GoesWest1V1561915.tif</SourceFilename>
> >      <SourceBand>1</SourceBand>
> >      <SrcRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="1200" ySize="1096"/>
> >      <DstRect xOff="0" yOff="0" xSize="1200" ySize="1096"/>
> >    </SimpleSource>
> >  </VRTRasterBand>
> > </VRTDataset>
> >
> > --
> > View this message in context:
> >
> > Sent from the GDAL - Dev mailing list archive at
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > gdal-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> #! /usr/bin/env python
> # Create a colored image based on LUT in MakeColor function
> # Author: Roger Andre, October 2008
> # Usage: <infile> <outfile>
> from osgeo import gdal
> import sys
> import numpy
> import os.path
> gdal.TermProgress = gdal.TermProgress_nocb
> src_file = sys.argv[1]
> dst_file = sys.argv[2]
> out_bands = 3
> def MakeColor(z_value):
>  '''LUT for color ramp. Keys are pixel values, hash values are RGB
> triplets.'''
>  color_dict = {
>    0:[102,0,255],
>   25:[20,82,255],
>   50:[0,194,224],
>   75:[0,255,122],
>  100:[41,255,0],
>  125:[204,255,0],
>  150:[245,194,0],
>  175:[224,118,0],
>  200:[168,46,0],
>  225:[105,0,0],
>  250:[64,0,0],
>  255:[0,0,0]}
>  key_list = color_dict.keys()
>  key_list.sort()
>  while len(key_list) > 0:
>    last_val = key_list[-1]
>    if z_value >= last_val:
>      return color_dict[last_val]
>    else:
>      key_list.remove(last_val)
> # Print some info
> print "Creating %s" % (dst_file)
> # Open source file
> src_ds = gdal.Open( src_file )
> src_band = src_ds.GetRasterBand(1)
> # create destination file
> dst_driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
> dst_ds = dst_driver.Create(dst_file, src_ds.RasterXSize,
> src_ds.RasterYSize, out_bands, gdal.GDT_Byte)
> # create output bands
> band1 = numpy.zeros([src_ds.RasterYSize, src_ds.RasterXSize])
> band2 = numpy.zeros([src_ds.RasterYSize, src_ds.RasterXSize])
> band3 = numpy.zeros([src_ds.RasterYSize, src_ds.RasterXSize])
> # set the projection and georeferencing info
> dst_ds.SetProjection( src_ds.GetProjection() )
> dst_ds.SetGeoTransform( src_ds.GetGeoTransform() )
> # read the source file
> gdal.TermProgress( 0.0 )
> for iY in range(src_ds.RasterYSize):
>  src_data = src_band.ReadAsArray(0,iY,src_ds.RasterXSize,1)
>  col_values = src_data[0] # array of z_values, one per row in source data
>  for iX in range(src_ds.RasterXSize):
>    z_value = col_values[iX]
>    # print z_value # uncomment to see what value breaks color ramp
>    [R,G,B] = MakeColor(z_value)
>    band1[iY][iX] = R
>    band2[iY][iX] = G
>    band3[iY][iX] = B
>  gdal.TermProgress( (iY+1.0) / src_ds.RasterYSize )
> # write each band out
> dst_ds.GetRasterBand(1).WriteArray(band1)
> dst_ds.GetRasterBand(2).WriteArray(band2)
> dst_ds.GetRasterBand(3).WriteArray(band3)
> dst_ds = None
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> gdal-dev mailing list
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> Sent from the GDAL - Dev mailing list archive at
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