Hi Ivan,

I should have mentioned it, but I already tested it, by changing the DATUM, 
the file is nicely projected, but the header still has this unknown and 
unnamed fields...

Could it actually come from my GEOS or proj4 libraries ? Or can it only come 
from GDAL ?

Best regards,

On Friday 29 May 2009 13:49:01 Lucena, Ivan wrote:
> If you use DATUM["GRS_1980" instead of DATUM["D_GRS_1980" it might work.
> See http://spatialreference.org for more info.
> >  -------Original Message-------
> >  From: Matthieu Rigal <ri...@rapideye.de>
> >  Subject: [gdal-dev] non-fully conform output of gdalwarp
> >  Sent: May 29 '09 05:11
> >
> >  Hi guys,
> >
> >  Working with GDAL 1.6.1, I got some strange result. It is not very
> >  compromising, because the result is OK, but it shall be enhanced, or I
> > shall learn how to use it.
> >
> >  giving the following command :
> >  gdalwarp -t_srs
> 98.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],P
> ator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",3500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0]
> 5.0],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9996],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],U
> >  8_WGS84.tif 8_ETRS89.tif
> >
> >  will create the desired file, and project it fine, but doing :
> >  gdalinfo 8_ETRS89.tif
> >  will show :
> >  PROJCS["ETRS89_GRS80_3",
> >      GEOGCS["LUA_ETRS89",
> >          DATUM["unknown",
> >              SPHEROID["unnamed",6378137,298.2572221010042]],
> >          PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],
> >          UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
> >      PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],
> >      PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",0],
> >      PARAMETER["central_meridian",15],
> >      PARAMETER["scale_factor",0.9996],
> >      PARAMETER["false_easting",3500000],
> >      PARAMETER["false_northing",0],
> >      UNIT["metre",1,
> >          AUTHORITY["EPSG","9001"]]]
> >
> >  Why is the Datum set to unknown and the spheroid to unnamed ?
> >
> >  It also causes some other software to warn that the projection is not
> > the same (as the desired)...
> >
> >  Best regards,
> >  Matthieu
> >  --
> >  Matthieu Rigal
> >  Product Development
> >
> >  RapidEye AG                           Tel: +49-(0)3381-89 04 331
> >  Molkenmarkt 30                       Fax: +49-(0)3381-89 04 101
> >  14776 Brandenburg/Havel
> >  Germany                                  http://www.rapideye.de
> >
> >  RapidEye AG
> >  Molkenmarkt 30
> >  14776 Brandenburg an der Havel
> >  Germany
> >
> >  Head Office/Sitz der Gesellschaft: Brandenburg an der Havel
> >  Management Board/Vorstand: Wolfgang G. Biedermann
> >  Chairman of Supervisory Board/Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Axel
> > Schmalz Commercial Register/Handelsregister Potsdam HRB 17 796
> >  Tax Number/Steuernummer: 048/100/00053
> >  VAT-Ident-Number/Ust.-ID: DE 199331235
> >  DIN EN ISO 9001 certified
> >
> > 
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Matthieu Rigal
Product Development

RapidEye AG                           Tel: +49-(0)3381-89 04 331
Molkenmarkt 30                       Fax: +49-(0)3381-89 04 101
14776 Brandenburg/Havel
Germany                                  http://www.rapideye.de

RapidEye AG
Molkenmarkt 30
14776 Brandenburg an der Havel

Head Office/Sitz der Gesellschaft: Brandenburg an der Havel
Management Board/Vorstand: Wolfgang G. Biedermann
Chairman of Supervisory Board/Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: Axel Schmalz
Commercial Register/Handelsregister Potsdam HRB 17 796
Tax Number/Steuernummer: 048/100/00053
VAT-Ident-Number/Ust.-ID: DE 199331235
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