
Being victim of a dll hell provoked by Matlab distributing a private zlib1.dll that casts the a hell out in my MEXs I decided to try to escape it by building one myself but with a different name. Well things are not so simple and I had to rebuild not only zlib but also jpeg, szip, curl (this bloody one was particularly painful) and HDF4.

After that the final step was to rebuild GDAL using the above dlls (ah, I'm on Windows), but here a very strange thing happens. When I do a fresh build I get these errors at the end

compileds\vc71/lib/libcurl_imp_mir.lib wsock32.lib wldap32.lib winmm.lib   gcore
\Version.res  /out:gdal16.dll /implib:gdal_i.lib
   Creating library gdal_i.lib and object gdal_i.exp
gdalallregister.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _GDALRegister_HTTP referenced in function _gdalallregis...@0 gdalallregister.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _GDALRegister_WMS referenced in function _gdalallregis...@0 gdalallregister.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _GDALRegister_WCS referenced in function _gdalallregis...@0
gdalallregister.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _GDALRegister_netCDF referenced in function _gdalallregis...@0 gdalallregister.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _GDALRegister_GMT referenced in function _gdalallregis...@0
gdal16.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 9 unresolved externals

However, if I first build GDAL using an official HDF4.r2 (the one I was using 
before) and with
successfully ends I change the nmake.opt to use now the HDF4 (r4) that I built 
than the GDAL build
process ends fine and I get a workable gdal.dll

I'm puzzled with this. Where do those errors of "unresolved external symbols" in GDALAllRegister come from in the first instance?


Joaquim Luis

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