On Thu, Jul 23, 2009 at 09:12:01PM -0400, Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Enrico,
> I concur with Dave.  The best place to get the latest libtiff4 with
> bigtiff support is CVS.  Please note that the Aperio code is a distinct
> fork of libtiff and not supported or encouraged for use by the core
> libtiff maintainers (ie. me).  It is unfortunate that it places well on
> a BigTIFF google search as it has lead several folks astray, including
> at least one sizable commercial organization who helped fund the
> official libtiff BigTIFF port!


is there some sort-of tentative/possible roadmap about an official bigtiff 
merging in libtiff? It seems a forever pending feature currently... 

Francesco P. Lovergine
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