Hi Frank:

I tried setting -fPIC based on the web site. But, it failed as well. I checked config.log file and it has errors like:
/nas/uncch/depts/cep/emc/lran/mims/sa_06_2009/src/libs/HDF4.2r4/local/lib/libdf.a(cszip.o): In function `HCIcszip_term':
cszip.c:(.text+0x2ae): undefined reference to `SZ_BufftoBuffCompress'

It appears that szip is causing the problem. I compiled HDF5 and HDF4 with szip-2.1. After I compiled HDF4 without szip. GDAL compiling worked. But, I am wondering whether I have to compile HDF5 and HDF4 with szip to be used in GDAL.

Thank you,


Frank Warmerdam wrote:

Limei Ran wrote:

checking for FMEObjects... no
checking for SDreaddata in -lmfhdf... no
checking for SDreaddata in -lhdf4... no
checking for SDreaddata in -lmfhdf... no
checking for SDreaddata in -lmfhdf... no
configure: error: HDF4 support requested with arg "/nas/uncch/depts/cep/emc/lran/mims/sa_06_2009/src/libs/HDF4.2r4/local", but neither hdf4 nor mfhdf lib found

I compiled HDF4 with: --disable-netcdf --disable-fortran and I did not compile GDAL with netcdf. When I got rid of HDF4 in gdal configure, the configuration went through.

The config.log has a lot of errors related to conftest.c like:


Could you tell me what went wrong in this gdal compiling with hdf4 ?


I think you need to find the part of the config.log that relates to hdf to
find out what went wrong.  I think one common problem is building the HDF
library without -fPIC.

You might also check:

and consider updating it if you learn something likely to be of broader use.

Best regards,

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