I found out what the problem is. I did not delete the pyramid (.rrd) file associated with the image. As you know gdal_rasterize does not change that file so when I displayed the processed image in ERDAS the viewer was still accessing the old (unchanged) pyramid images. I zoomed in but not enough to access the original (.img) image data. It appears to be working properly. Now I'll test it on a 9-band image. Sorry for the noise.


Ned Horning wrote:
Hi - I am trying to use a shapefile as a mask for a 32-bit float single band image in ERDAS img format. When I view the result after running gdal_rasterize it does not appear to have changed the values in the image that correspond with the polygons in the shapefile. When I converted the image (after running gdal_rasterize on it) to the byte range the masked values magically appeared.

Can anyone explain why this is happening? I'll try it on some more images but wondered if there is a straightforward explanation.

I am using a recent version of gdal 1.5.4 installed from OSGEO4W on a Windows 32-bit XP computer

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