Hi Randy;

Did you check that you set the GDAL_DATA configuration correctly?

If it is the case, then here is the previous answer from Frank:

"This might be accomplished by setting the GDAL_DATA configuration
variable either via the environment or the CPLSetConfigOption()
function.  Were you using ogrinfo from an environment like
OSGeo4W or FWTools that sets up the environment carefully?"

And my question was:

Hello everybody;

First of all, I would like to say that I am quite new in S-57 format
and GDAL/OGR libraries.

As a starting point, I downloaded the source codes and built the whole
GDAL library on my computer,
using the "nmake" of Visual Studio 2008.


poDS = OGRSFDriverRegistrar::Open( "US5LA24M.000", FALSE );
for (int i = 0; i < poDS->GetLayerCount(); i++)
   printf("layer %d: %s\n", i, poDS->GetLayer(i)->GetLayerDefn()->GetName());

When I try to list the layer names of a datasource with the code snippet above,
I get the following result:

layer 0: DSID
layer 1: Point
layer 2: Line
layer 3: Area
layer 4: Meta

However, the utility application "ogrinfo" gives a quite different
result as follows:
(when run with command  "ogrinfo US5LA24M.000" )

1: DSID (None)
3: BCNLAT (Point)
4: BCNSPP (Point)
49: M_QUAL (Polygon)
50: C_ASSO (None)

I examined the source code of "ogrinfo" under the "gdal-1.6.2\apps\"
directory, however,
I could not find a difference in terms of listing the layers in the dataset.

What could be the problem, is there a point that I'm missing?
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