Hi Aleksey,

With osgeo4w as Ivan noted you need to install the gdal-python package. O4w doesn't register it's python on the windows registry, so unless you run your .py script from inside the o4w shell it won't find the right python either.

There are a number of python scripts in C:\Osgeo4w\bin\ which you can use as a model for your own to get started.


matt wilkie
Geomatics Analyst
Information Management and Technology
Yukon Department of Environment
10 Burns Road * Whitehorse, Yukon * Y1A 4Y9
867-667-8133 Tel * 867-393-7003 Fax

Aleksey Naumov wrote:
Dear GDAL users,

My apologies if this is a repeated question, I searched the mail acrhives and found a few discussions on this subject, but no resolution, AFAIK. I may have overlooked a good thread, would appreciate a link.

My problem is being able to do scripting with GDAL using Python 2.5 (this version is important because of integration/compatibility with a number of other packages, mainly IPython), and I need to be able to do it on Windows. I attempted a few approaches, but could not figure out how to get all the pieces to work together:
   - FWTools 2.4.5; however it comes with Python 2.3, an older version
   - OSGEO4W
- Went through the Express setup and chose GDAL (+ GRASS, QGIS).It installed Python 2.5.2; however on "import gdal" I get error "No module named gdal". - I looked through the Advanced setup and tried it a few times with various options related to GDAL, however was not able to get it to work. Are there specific options that should be enabled to make GDAL/Python scripting possible in OSGEO4W? - Tried to "easy_install gdal", this finds GDAL 1.6.1 and puts a suitable *.egg into C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages. But when I try to "import gdal" I get the error stating that gdal16.dll was not found.

Is there a way to achieve this on Windows? Do I need to compile GDAL on my windows box; if so, should I be using Cygwin or try to download MS VC++?

Thank you


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