I try to use gdalbuilvrt with images having different resolutions. I use it with argument -resolution highest and I find (I think) a bug.

The highest resolution is set with these lines of code in gdalbuildvrt.cpp :

               else if (resolutionStrategy == HIGHEST_RESOLUTION)
we_res = MIN(we_res, psDatasetProperties[i].adfGeoTransform[GEOTRSFRM_WE_RES]); ns_res = MIN(ns_res, psDatasetProperties[i].adfGeoTransform[GEOTRSFRM_NS_RES]);
and MIN macro if define as :

../port/cpl_port.h:# define MIN(a,b) ((a<b) ? a : b)

But if resolution is negative MIN(-15,-1) is -15 not -1. I am right ?


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