2009/10/30 Chris 'Xenon' Hanson <xe...@alphapixel.com>

> I'm building GDAL from source on Windows using the release-1400-dev.zip kit
> from:
> http://vbkto.dyndns.org:1280/sdk/Default.aspx
> This works great (though the zipfile has fairly old GDAL source and needs
> an SVN update to
> be current). However, when it's all done building (via nmake) I don't have
> a single
> "include" directory where all the proper .h files are located the way the
> FWTools release
> sets things up.
> Is there a step i'm missing that will collect all the necessary GDAL .h
> files form their
> respective subdirectory and put them into one place the way FWTools
> provides them?

You should find all the includes in the /release-[msvc_version]/include and
the libs in the /release-[msvc_version]/lib directory to compile gdal
against the dependencies. Compiling gdal would be as simple as typing
'nmake gdal' in the root directory of the package in a Visual Studio Command

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