Vincent Honnet wrote:

I'm trying to implement a new format for my GDal and I have some problems. For now I don't want to integrate it to the GDal source code but only in gdal_translate. I call the registering method just after the call to GDALAllRegister. I implemented the Dataset methods Open, the RasterBand methods IReadBlock and IWriteBlock, the method GDalRegister_format where Open is given to poDriver->pfnOpen, CreateCopy to poDriver->pfnCreateCopy and Create to and poDriver->pfnCreate and the driver is registered. A request on the available formats on this version of GDal_Translate shows that the format is registered. A convertion request from a GeoTiff to this format crashes in my method Open because the object GDALOpenInfo is wrong (pszFilename is a bad pointer for example).


I'm surprised your open method is being called for a geotiff if your
driver was registered after the geotiff driver.

> Moreover, my method CreateCopy is never called
even if GDALCreateCopy is called.

It it possible you assigned your Open method to the pfnCreateCopy

The platform is Windows XP with GDal 1.6 and visual studio 2005 pro.

Did I forget something ?

It is really hard to provide advice without the source code.  I'm basically

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
light and sound - activate the windows |
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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