
There must have been some error message. What did you get?

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Noli Sicad <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I downloaded FWTools 2.4.7  (Jan 19, 2010) for windows and installed.
> I suppose there is support for converting CSV table to SQLite Table in
> this version. Now, how do i convert my CSV table to SQLite
> ogr2org - f SQLite HarvestArea1.csv Harvest.sqlite  -dsco SPATIALITE=YES
> It seems that this command above is not working, since no
> Harvest.sqlite database is created.
> I want to create forest.sqlite database from various tables e.g.
> harvestarea (harvestArea1.csv) and yield (yield.csv), etc.
> How do I do this task.
> Thanks in advance.
> Noli
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