Harsh Govind wrote:
I am trying to compile the OGDI library so that I may use it from within GDAL to read VPF data. I downloaded the code but seems like all the makefiles are setup for VC++ 6.0 in Win32 environment. All my other dlls are in VC++8.0.

Has anyone compiled OGDI in VS2005? How can I build OGDI with VS8.0? Thanks in advance.


I have had no problem building OGDI with VS2003, and I see no reason that
VS2005 or even VS2008 Express shouldn't work well.  One issue that isn't
addressed in the makefiles is doing anything about manifests.  You may find
it helpful to manually incorporate manifests into the DLLs using something

mt -manifest abc.dll.manifest -outputresource:abc.dll;2

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I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmer...@pobox.com
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