Hi, and thank heaven for GDAL!   

I was so happy to find this tool, but I am having some trouble figuring out
the exact command I need for an image warping application.  If there is
someone who doesn't mind a newbie type question, I could really use the

Essentially, I have imagery which is referenced with British National Grid. 
I am tyring to convert / warp this so that it can be used within Google
Earth.  I have reference points for the upper left and lower right of the
image in Easting and Northing, and transformed those so that I got lat /
long coordinates which line up very well within Google Earth, however it
appears that the projection is off.   

I am hoping to use gdalwarp to convert the TIF file (referenced as
mentioned), but I had some questions: 
- For the world file that I create for gdalwarp, should I include the
Easting / Northing, or does this need to be lat / long? 
- Can I just go straight to gdalwarp, or do I need to do some other
translation first? 

- The command I am trying to use looks like this: 
gdalwarp -s_srs "proj=utm +zone=33v +datum=OSGB36" -t_srs "proj=latlong
+datum=WGS84" filein.tif out.tif 

Is this the correct command to get from a BNG source ortho image to what
would overlay correctly in something like Google Earth? 

Many thanks for any help! 

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