On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 7:12 PM, Bill Hudspeth <w...@unm.edu> wrote:
> When I try to re-project the exported AAIGrid to another projection, I
> use:
> gdalwarp -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs '+proj=lcc +lat__1=33n +lat_2=45n
> +lon_0=97w' MODIS_output_latlong.asc MODIS_output_lambert.asc

Note that without -of format] you generate a GeoTIFF file...

> While the resultant projection information looks correct,
> Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF

> The resultant text file has only the following on the top line:

... it is binary, not a text file. check

 gdalwarp --formats

for the available formats.

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