

I am attempting to store a GML file generated by GDAL/OGR (specifically
by the class "OGRGMLDataSource
ldatasource.cpp> ") into Oracle Spatial. I am getting the error message
"Error converting from GML to JGeometry original exception: Message:GML
Geometry type ogr:FeatureCollection not suppoted". Indeed, the GML
contains an outer element <ogr:FeatureCollection> and many other
elements in the "ogr" namespace such as <ogr:polygons> and
<ogr:geometryProperty>. Looking at the OGRGMLDataSource source code I
can see that these elements in the  "ogr" namespace are hard-coded in
the output. I'm just starting to comprehend the GML format, but I am
wondering if anyone else has had any success storing GDAL-generated GML
into Oracle Spatial or if anyone has any clue as to what I might need to
do to make this work. I'd really rather not have to write my own utility
to generate GML given that GDAL/OGR can supposedly already do this.


Kind regards,

A. Comer


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