
I do not have Geoserver, however, if it will support use of the SDO_CS.MAP_EPSG_SRID_TO_ORACLE and SDO_CS.MAP_ORACLE_SRID_TO_EPSG methods, then it should not matter what Oracle is doing internally. I use these on those occasions where I receive data with the EPSG definition or am exporting to EPSG.

By the way, the details are in Chapter 6 of the Oracle Spatial Developer's Guide, code B28400, which is freely available for download from the Oracle 11g documentation web pages.

Best wishes,


Rahkonen Jukka wrote:

I believe that Imran is willing to use Oracle data, once they are in, through 
Geoserver. On the other hand, I do not believe that Geoserver supports those 
Oracle SRIDs but it wants to see SRID=4326 for WGS84 data in Oracle. Therefore 
even the Oracle codes may be better in some way in this case they could be 
unusable. I have not tried ever with SRID=4326 in Oracle, but using SRID=2393 
in Oracle works fine together with our EPSG:2393 data and Geoserver.


-----Alkuperäinen viesti-----
Lähettäjä: Peter J Halls [mailto:p.ha...@york.ac.uk]
Lähetetty: to 13.5.2010 16:02
Vastaanottaja: Rahkonen Jukka
Kopio: gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: Re: [gdal-dev] Re: srs definition for wgs84

Jukka Rahkonen wrote:
Peter J Halls <P.Halls <at> york.ac.uk> writes:


the Oracle SRID value of 8192 *is* WGS84. Oracle does not store the EPSG values, but has its own set.
Starting from Oracle 10g or something it supports also EPSG codes. Old codes are
still supported by Oracle but other programs usually do not understand Oracle
SRID codes. Fortunately they are no more needed. But I think that the correct

    from the (11g) Oracle Spatial reference manual:

"The Oracle Spatial coordinate system support is based on, but is not always identical to, the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) data model and dataset."

Methods are provided to express the Oracle SRID as EPSG WKT and to translate between Oracle SRID values and EPSG values. These are needed for programs which do not understand the Oracle SRID values.

This means that, without care, Oracle reports will specify the Oracle SRID values, which are those stored and used internally, rather than the EPSG values. Oracle also supports projections additional to the EPSG schema. This seems to be what Imran saw.

Yes, this change was introduced at 10g and replaced something rather different (and which I have never used), but the current system does not simply use EPSG as you imply.

way to give target SRID with ogr Oracle driver is not to use -a_srs but the
Layer Creation Option -lco SRID=4326.

Agreed, although up to and including GDAL 1.6.n I have failed to get this method to work when using the API. The problem is more than likely something I've done wrong and I have not yet tried 1.7.n.

Best wishes,


-Jukka Rahkonen-

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