Hello Folks,

It's just a proposal right now, but with your help it could become a reality, a vendor neutral /"Q&A site for programmers, DBAs, Cartographers, Geographers and anyone interested in GIS professionally"/ Come aboard and help build an information-rich community based gis technical support site, a GIS specific site on Stack Exchange <http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/1425/geographic-information-systems?referrer=C9f1tb1_LSB3hJ0vc5L2Fg2>. ((use this link instead http://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/1425/geographic-information-systems if you don't want to give me any referrer karma ;-))

What is Stack Exchange? Who better to answer than the founders,/ "//...we’ve gotten used to the clean, fast, reliable answers that you get from Stack Overflow, so whenever we try to get an answer to a tax question, or a Siberian Husky question, or an iPhone question, it’s incredibly frustrating to find old conversations, trapped in forum and discussion software, instead of answers. Forums are optimized for conversation and shooting the breeze, not for getting answers, so they suck when you actually need some information./" (full post <http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2010/04/changes-to-stack-exchange/>) By and large, they've risen to the challenge better than anyone else in my experience.

Anyway, check out the proposal, see what you think, and if you agree throw your weight behind it.


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