Dear GDAL maintainers,

we have written a GDAL driver to add the rasdaman database as another "data format" that GDAL can read, and we would like to contribute this to the GDAL project.

Rasdaman is a raster database middleware offering an SQL-style query language on multi-dimensional arrays of unlimited size, stored in a relational database. See for the open-source code, documentation, etc. Currently rasdaman is under consideration for OSGeo incubation.

In our driver implementation, GDAL connects to rasdaman by defining a query template which is instantiated with the concrete subsetting box upon every access. This allows to deliver 2-D cutouts from n-D data sets (such as hyperspectral satellite time series, multi-variable climate simulation data, ocean model data, etc.). In particular, virtual imagery can be offered which is derived on demand from ground truth data. Some more technical details are given below [1].

The code compiles smoothly with the latest GDAL code and is undergoing final tests and documentation. For a clean integration with the GDAL code base we are asking for further advice. In particular, our Makefile structure needs some fine tuning, we need to know intended use of some parameters.

We hope that this contribution is of value to the community, any comments are highly appreciated.

Thanks in advance for your assistance,
Peter & Constantin

[1] The connect string syntax follows the WKT Raster pattern and goes like this:
        query='select a[$x_lo:$x_hi,$y_lo:$y_hi] from MyImages as a'
        tileXSize=512 tileYSize=512
        [host='localhost'] [port=7001] [database='RASBASE']
        [user='rasguest'] [password='rasguest']

The rasdaman query language (rasql) string in this case only performs subsetting. Upon image access by GDAL, the $ parameters are substituted by the concrete bounding box computed from the input tile coordinates.

However, the query provided can include any kind of processing, as long as it returns something 2-D. For example, this determines the average of red and near-infrared pixels from the oldest image time series: query='select ( ) /2 [$x_lo:$x_hi,$y_lo:$y_hi, 0 ] from SatStack as a'

The further key-value pair parameters in brackets are optional, their defaults are listed. BTW, the default user has read-only access to the database as per rasdaman convention.

As rasdaman supports concurrent access with parallel query evaluation, any number of such connections can be opened.

Dr. Peter Baumann
 - Professor of Computer Science, Jacobs University Bremen
   tel: +49-421-200-3178, fax: +49-421-200-493178
 - Executive Director, rasdaman GmbH Bremen (HRB 147737), mail:
   tel: 0800-rasdaman, fax: 0800-rasdafax, mobile: +49-173-5837882
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dimissa, sed Deo commendata, precamur ut ei reddatur cui soli destinata, nec preripiat 
quisquam non sibi parata." (mail disclaimer, AD 10xx)

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